Rubber Mat Stains

  • Rubber material mats often leave unsightly rubber mat stains on concrete and painted concrete. Heat, moisture, combined with prolonged contact cause the rubber to leach into the surface.

Can rubber stains be removed?

A quick google search will throw up an A.I. overview suggesting scrubbing rubber mat stains with a mild solution of detergent and water. There are a handful of other remedies to try, but none of the A.I. recommendations work. MOST of the time the black stains are simply organic stains and are easily washed away. In other instances where rubber mats have been in place for years they are not coming out.

Image showing rubber mat stains on concrete


Black stains that mimic the design of the mat.


We’ve utilized degreasers, acids, detergents, 200° hot water on many of the stained conditions with no luck. We’ve been cleaning home exteriors for over 12 years. When we’re hired to clean a customer’s driveway, we always include the sidewalks leading to the front door—and, of course, the front patio. I can confidently say I’ve cleaned more front patios with rubber stains than anyone else reading this. Do yourself a favor and choose any material other than rubber for your front door mat!