Coquina House Cleaning Service
What type of results should I expect with a Coquina house cleaning service?
The image gallery below will give you a good idea of how a coquina house cleaning service could benefit your residence. Organic growth will take over your exterior walls in a short amount of time. The pictures show typical conditions of coquina homes that we have encountered. If you own a house with a coquina shell exterior you know how soft and brittle this finish can be. One can wipe their bare hand across the finish and the decorative sea shells will flake off right before your eyes. I would say that over half the coquina homes we clean exhibit areas where the homeowner or prior pressure washing company had significantly damaged the finished substrate.
Any garden hose with the nozzle set to the stream pattern has enough p.s.i. to damage the delicate finish. We chemically clean coquina in the 30 to 50 p.s.i. range. We recommend hiring a mobile exterior cleaning professional to wash your Coquina.

Here is a great read on the P.S.I. operating ranges of a standard garden hose nozzle. The point is that your garden hose has enough pressure to damage the substrate.