Soft wash Roof Cleaning Tiles and Terracotta

If you have a clay tile or concrete tile roof that is covered in organic growth it can be cleaned. Best advice even if you do not hire us please make sure to hire a professional.

Walk in the valley of clay tile roofs when soft wash roof cleaning

Don’t know that that headings means? Probably best that you stay off your terracotta tile roof. I do not think that I have personally ever been on a terracotta tile roof that did not have a cracked tile or two. You cannot simply walk all over it like an asphalt shingle roof. If you’re stepping on the peaks of the barrel tile they will crack and chip. Always walk in the valleys of the barrel tiles. The valley rests directly on the plywood roof sheathing which wont crack your tiles. If your walking on the barrel peaks which is naturally everyone’s first instinct then understand nothing is supporting your weight other than the barrel tile itself.

Clay and Concrete tile roofs can be slippery

Soft wash roof cleaning of tile roofs is DANGEROUS! Clay and concrete tile roofing systems are all sloped downhill. If you have ever tried scaling one early morning you will notice they are covered in moisture and condensation. Talk about slippery. Try scaling a tile roof covered in organic stains in the morning you might slide off! Organic stained tile roofs are like walking on slime covered rocks in a river. It will not end up good for you.