Paver surface erosion (face-mix wear)

Home Owner’s with pavers have most likely researched “paver sealing” on the internet. Just about every paver sealing article recommends to have them sealed. After finding out the real costs associated with paver sealing most home owners decide they can live with their pavers worn out. The pictures below will show you what your pavers will look like if you decide to wait. New paver driveways, sidewalks, and patios will start to show signs of brick paver face-mix wear (surface erosion) in just over 2 years after installation. Pavers worn out

Find out more about our paver sealing services here.

5 year old pavers never sealed under roof drip edge with no gutters shown below.
Worn out pavers

The picture above is an extreme case of pavers worn out (surface erosion or face-mix wear). See all the white aggregate??? If you can see tiny white dots or specs of white on the surface of your pavers that is due to the face-mix wearing down revealing the large aggregate stone. When you picked out your pavers you most likely did not pick ones that looked worn out! Chances are you chose a color that was rich, vibrant, and uniform across the surface of the paver.

The image below shows a paver driveway in Saint John’s, Florida. Notice how the pavers have lost most of their deep color exhibiting severe face-mix erosion. Unsealed pavers that are subject to direct sun and rain along with everyday tire friction can become worn down. Sealing your pavers can significantly reduce if not completely prevent this erosion if properly sealed and maintained.

Pavers installed in 2009 picture taken 2019. 10 yrs of wear.
Pavers above installed 2009 with picture taken in 2019. 10 yrs of wear never sealed.

The good news is that pavers are known for their durability and lifespan. Made of clay, concrete, natural stone, or even porcelain, pavers can last 20-25 years without any major repairs with proper care and maintenance. If they are properly cared for and sealed, concrete pavers can last upwards of 50 years. 

If you are an avid DIY’er and are contemplating paver sealing yourself then hear us out. Even if you decide not to use us to clean, re-sand, and seal your pavers. It is recommended to pay a professional to shine up your pavers. Pavers worn out will be the last of your worries if you mess up the paver sealer application.